If you are planning to make money with stock market , you need to have a strategy to ensure you make money RATHER than lose it, like most investing beginners.In bear markets, there are some ways of earning money, by following share tips .Either you chase hot stocks with a 3 day turnover? I reckon you could get 5-8% every 3 days.Save some money each month that you want to use for buying shares.Get a hold of a listing of the shares traded on your stock exchange, together with their stats like the PE ratio and dividend yield.From that listing, select shares that have a high dividend yield.Or find a company and invest for the long term (12 months) in which some companies Though, there’s a less dangerous way of playing the market on the small side, and that is through the use of bearish exchange bought or sold funds in addition called as ETFs.Learn the basics of investing money in Stock Market. Either you chase hot stocks with a 3 day turnover? I reckon you could get 5-8% every 3 days.
so how are you going to avoid losing money ? Before buying any stock, make sure that you investigate the company you are interested in. Once you have your finger in the pie, regularly visit company web sites for press releases and updates. one can also get information through share tips from good advisor and Google Financer to get the latest news about favorites stocks, and to monitor their performance. Make sure that you read the quarterly and annual financial results of the companies you invested in .Develop a habbit to watch the news because it can help you guess whether your stock's prices will rise or fall.
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